Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Using Green Tea To Boost Weight Loss

Without fail, millions upon millions of people are on a mission to uncover the latest in diet and weight loss products, in hopes that they will accomplish weight loss goals they have set for themselves. Today, a great amount of diet approaches and products decorate the market, yet none have come close to the advantages seen in green tea.

Since 2737 BC, green tea has become a well-known supplement and treatment. At the time, a Chinese emperor by the name of Chen Nung accidentally knocked over boiling water on top of a Camellia Sinensis plant. The outcome - the leaves of the plant came in contact with the hot water and a new beverage emerged. For the past thousands of years, green tea has made an appearance at social engagements and found a place as a medicinal wonder.

Around the world, several different countries produce green tea, yet - China is by far the largest producer. Over the years, a few misconceptions have developed regarded how green tea is grown. It does not flourish from a vine or spring up out of the ground. It actually comes from a tree. All tea originates from the same plant - it's just the length of time it takes to process is what leads to the kind of tea generated.

Many centuries have aided the Chinese in better understanding green tea for its medicinal properties. A few ailments that the brew is said to treat includes heartburn, acne, infections, and bad cholesterol levels. It's rather hard to believe that green tea went virtually unnoticed for thousands of years. At times, people would gain an interest, but the last couple of decades have really seen a boost in awareness from individuals spread across the world.

The medicinal associations with green tea has also prompted researchers to conduct studies at worldwide universities on how green tea can aid in the reduction of arthritis, heart disease, some cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Overall, people are taking notice to the numerous benefits of drinking green tea. Recent research has also revealed that green tea possesses antioxidants that your body requires in order to stay healthy. The most important of these is called EGCG, which has been used to suppress the appetite and assist dieters in foregoing the extra snacks in between their meals.

Studies of green tea have also shown promising weight loss benefits. Some study participants have experienced increased levels of weight loss when they use green tea in their regular diet. The reason green tea works so effectively is because it helps to increase your metabolism, which increases your energy levels and helps you burn more calories. Further studies have shown that dieters who use green tea along with a diet plan have burned up to 40% more fat than those that did not.

Green tea creates virtually no side effects, as it serves as an all-natural supplement. No other diet can deliver these kinds of results. Today, you will find that green tea is now being used as a main component in a lot of dietary aids. Some people consume it as a liquid tea, while pills and powders are also available. Taking a stroll down the aisle of a health food store, hundreds of green tea and green tea extract products are on display. You should also know that the liquid or pill form will produce the same results - however - following a dietary plan with the use of green tea is highly suggested for the best outcome.

A concern that often arises with the use of green tea involves the health risks surrounding caffeine - a natural ingredient. Remember that green tea doesn't contain any more of the substance than one cup of coffee. Also, green tea is responsible for helping the body burn fat faster. The impressive aspect of green tea is that it actually has a pleasant flavor to it - regardless if it is hot or cold. Today, a variety of fruit flavors continue to elevate its overall appeal.

About the Author

Make the power of green tea to work for you. Try Herbalife Herbal Concentrate You can get the fat burning benefits in four great flavors. For even more kick try Herbalife Total Control.

Coffee, Tea or... Water?

Stop right now and think about what you've had to drink over the last week. Are you living on coffee and soda? How's your water intake? Are you squirming as you think of your answers?

You're not alone. Many people drink caffeinated beverages for their "pick me up" benefit, but what they may not realize is that they're trading off their long term health for the short term buzz. Yes, caffeine is a stimulant, but it's also a diuretic which means it takes away water from the body instead of replacing it. Caffeine is also addictive and you may well find yourself needing more and more of it to get the same buzz. Drinking too much caffeine can possibly lead to headaches and anxiety.

Soda is a double whammy. Not only does it have caffeine, but it packs lots of refined sugar. Yes, you get short bursts of energy but you're soon feeling tired as the sugar burns off. You crave more sugar, and the cycle keeps repeating itself.

The very best beverage for our body is water. It depends on your size, but an average adult should drink about 8 (8 oz) glasses of water a day. There are so many health benefits linked to drinking water that I can't list them all here. There have been many instances when common ailments, such as headaches, have been improved when more water was consumed. Our bodies need water to function smoothly.

Your best bet for better health is to wean yourself slowly from caffeinated and sugary drinks and replace these with water. If you go cold turkey you might get a severe headache and be extremely grumpy. It may be better to slowly go from "fully loaded" coffee to "half caff" coffee and then to decaf.

Some people don't like water, but its a taste that can be acquired. The more you drink it, the better you will like it. Try it different ways like with ice or with a slice of lemon. Try drinking it through a straw.

If you like tea then try green tea. It has less caffeine than regular tea or coffee, and it has high amounts of EGCG, which is an antioxidant. You can also drink herbal teas in small quantities and these may help your sweet tooth.

Whatever you put in your mouth has an affect on your body. This is also true with the beverages you drink. Do yourself a favor - cut back on the coffee and pop, and drink your water!

About the Author

Do you need a little help with healthy eating and reaching your weight loss goals? Peggy's got tips and inspiration for you at http://cookinkids.com/weightlosstips