Monday, November 26, 2007

Things Everyone Should Know About Green Tea

Historically Green Tea leaves have been used across Asia as a remedy to aid poor digestion, releive body aches and pains, prevent headaches and offer a tonic for general improved health.

Little processing is required to produce a good green tea. Normally the leaves are dried immediately after harvesting or briefly treated with steam prior to natural drying. Some types of tea that are also lightly roasted. Because of this natural processing, the leaves are able to keep their green color and importantly they keep the extremely valuable ingredients that contribute to their much recorded healing properties. Green tea leaves contain some caffeine, tannins, essential oils, proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as fluoride, zinc and potassium.

Green tea is naturally found to be rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are used by the body to protect cells from free radicals (unstable molecules found in our cells) damage. Too much damage, over time, could lead to diseases which includes cancer. As part of our body cell renewal, antioxidants attach themselves to free radicals and this results in the neutralization these molecules. Drinking green tea frequently has been linked (confirmed by research) with the prevention of cancer; it lowers high blood cholesterol, prevents harmful blood clotting and acts to minimize the risk of strokes.

Enjoying Green Tea on a regular basis is a very useful tool for arthris sufferers because of its anti-inflammatory effects.

The invigorating effects of the caffeine in Green Tea can also help to improve concentration.

Green tea is also antibacterial. The tea contains the trace element fluorine whichs helps to fight tooth decay. It is suggested that just one cup of tea a day will be beneficial in the prevention of decay. Green tea is also ideal after dinner as a palette cleanser.

Many Alternative Practitioners prescribe green tea in order to help their pateints to cleanse the body. A must in all types of detoxification diet. Happily it contains no calories, no carbs and is known as the 'fat eater' in Traditional Chinese Medicine due to its cholesterol-lowering properties.

Green Tea is fantatic for quenching your thirst, and can be enjoyed at any time of the day - either hot or cold. Sometimes lemon juice is added, or the tea is poured over ice to produce a really refreshing drink.

If you are unsure about the Preparation of The Tea (and don't like teabads): Use one level teaspoon of the green tea leaves per cup. Boil some water and then let the water sit for a couple of minutes - to cool slightly. Pour the water over the tea and leave the tea to brew.

Brewing the tea for 2-3 minutes will give you a mild tasting but highly stimulating tea.

Allowing the tea for a longer 4-6 minutes produces a less stimulating and a more stronger tasting tea.

Important: The caffeine in green tea may cause heart palpitations in some sensitive people. To reduce the amount of caffeine in your tea, put one teaspoon of leaves in your cup, pour a little bit of hot water over it and allow it to stand for 30 seconds then strain. Now use the leaves to prepare your tea as usual - or of-course buy non-caffeine Green Tea, which is available in many health food stores.

About the Author

Keith Woolley is Chief Scientific Advisor to Boots Herbal. The following resource gives valuable info on Green Tea Capusules such as Solgar Green Tea

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Green Tea

The Healing Tea
Scientists have discovered that green tea can be helpful for many medical purposes. This healthful tea has been around for thousands of years, and today it is popular all over the world. Some scientists say that green tea can reduce the risk of esophageal and colon cancer by almost sixty percent. Through research scientists have discovered that green tea can be a great help for high cholesterol, infection, and even weight loss. But what makes this tea so spectacular? Certain properties in green tea enable it to attack and kill cancer cells. Besides, green tea is high in EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a powerful anti-oxidant that can help protect your skin against UV rays.

What Makes Green Tea Different?
Green tea comes from the plant (Camellia sinensis), the same plant from which normal black tea is made. The main difference is that green tea goes through minimal oxidation while processing, giving it a much lighter color than regular black tea. Green tea comes in a variety of flavors, and is usually not served with any type of cream or sugar. Another special quality that green tea possesses is that it can increase metabolism, which aids weight loss and lowering cholesterol. The way green tea is harvested also makes a difference. It is harvested usually in early spring and is done by hand, and then dried. The Chinese used to steam the tea to stop fermentation, but today most it is done by roasting.

History of Green Tea
Green tea has been around for approximately 5,000 years, but the story of its origin is unclear. Some say that the emperor Shen Nung discovered the plant when a leaf fell into his cup. But another story says that a man by the name of Shien Non Shei found the plant and tasted it, discovering that it was in fact, delicious, and decided upon making a beverage out of it. But whatever its origin, the Chinese have been drinking green tea for thousands of years. In ancient China, Green tea was the drink of the wealthy and political leaders, because it was a costly drink. But as time passed, the drink was more widely spread among the people of China and Japan.

Green tea was introduced into the US by Europeans involved in the tea trade from Asia. And grew rapidly in popularity, making tea a very important part of the trade market in the new world.

Side Effects
Green tea has only one side effect, due to its amount of caffeine; however, green tea actually contains less caffeine than some other teas and coffees. But some people are sensitive to caffeine, and may experience insomnia, or other side effects involved in excess of caffeine. But the amount you drink is sometimes a question for scientists. A study by the Saitama Cancer Research Institute in Japan, discovered that there were fewer cases of breast cancer in woman who drank five or more cups daily. Another study discovered that drinking at least four cups a day, can help prevent some types of arthritis, and can also reduce the symptoms in patience who already have arthritis. Some people might say that green tea is a natural healer, but further research is still needed to prove the point!
About the Author
Katya Coen provides information on green tea and organic tea for Tea First - a celebration of all things tea!

History And Origin Of Tea

The history of tea is really quite fascinating. There are many myths that surround the creation of tea. One such popular myth is from a Chinese legend stating that tea was discovered in 2737 BC when Chinese emperor Chen Nung accidentally dropped the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. Not wanting to throw the water out, he took a sip and tea was born.

One would think that tea would grow on vines in the ground. However, tea is actually grown from trees found in the hotter climates of the world.

From China, tea was brought to Japan who incorporated it into their special occasions and into their holiday meals. When it reached England in sixteen sixty-two, tea was fully introduced to the world. England adapted tea as their national beverage and it remained so for hundreds of years.

Although China is where tea got its origins from, countries such as India and Sri Lanka also have their own tea trees where they cultivate millions of pounds of tea leaves each year to be sold all over the world.

Tea is the second largest beverage to be consumed in the world today. It comes in many different flavors and can be served hot or iced. Tea can keep you awake during the day or help you to unwind at the end of a chaotic week. There are many other uses for tea other than drinking it.

Many Chinese people use tea, especially green tea, to cure ailments such as indigestion, constipation, upset stomachs and many other ailments. They also use tea to remove dark circles from their eyes and to cure their acne. It is rubbed on the skin to make it smooth and silky.

The Chinese people believe that tea has many different medicinal properties and use it as a herbal remedy to cure just bout everything. They a have been doing this for two thousand years.

Tea has natural caffeine in it, however it can be decaffeinated through the drying process. when you go to a Chinese restaurant, the first thing that you are served is tea. This is because the Chinese believe that tea aids in the digestion of food, and that you will not get indigestion if you drink the tea before you eat.

There are various types of tea and they are mostly distinguished by the type of processing that they undergo. The processing stages include adding in other herbs, flowers and fruits and oxidation, drying and heating of the tea leaves.

There are four classic types of tea which are white tea, black tea, green tea and oolong tea. You will most likely also heard of herbal teas this is from the infusion of fruits and herbs and does not contain the leaves of the other teas Camellia Sinensis.

Studies have shown that tea is as good as drinking plenty of water but also has added health benefits such as the protection against heart disease and some cancers.

Different types of tea have different levels of benefits depending on the processing involved as well as the region where it was grown.

About the Author
Mary Rose Antonio is an owner and She talks about the benefits of green tea as well as sells all types of organic tea and exquisite tea accessories.

A Review of the Health Benefits Of Green Tea

For centuries, the Asian cultures have enjoyed the health benefits of green tea. At last, the West is catching on and is discovering the beneficial properties of this simple beverage. In the past, it has been used for headaches, depression, general malaise and other disorders. The Chinese have used green tea as a medicine for at least 4,000 years.

Currently, research is being conducted to find evidence of the health benefits that are associated with green tea. The evidence is staggering.

The University of Purdue found that the growth of cancer cells is inhibited through a molecular compound found in green tea.

Independent studies have shown that drinking green tea may be helpful for people with cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and reduced immune function.
A publication in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 1994, showed that consuming green tea actually offered a 60% reduction to the risk of esophageal cancer.
More research shows that drinking green tea lowers cholesterol and improves the "good" cholesterol (HDL) while decreasing the "bad" cholesterol (LDL)!

Green tea has certain properties that give it its healing abilities. It is very rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly EGCG. EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate, is a very powerful antioxidant. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells and can actually kill them, yet it does not harm healthy tissue. It has also been shown as being quite effective in lowering LDL cholesterol - the "bad" cholesterol. It has also been shown to inhibit the abnormal formation of blood clots which are the leading cause of heart attack and stroke.

At this time, the only drawback to green tea, its only negative side effect, is that it contains caffeine. This can lead to insomniaespecially if you are more sensitive to caffeine. The good news is that green tea contains less caffeine than coffee. There are also decaffeinated versions of green tea that are available. But if you drink the tea early in the day, before 4 pm, you should have no problem falling asleep. One worry with the caffeine is that it may become addicting. So use your best judgement.

You may find it interesting that green tea may also help people who are trying to maintain a healthy body weight. There was a study conducted at the University of Geneva in Switzerland that gave men a combination of caffeine and green tea extract. These men burned more calories than men who had only caffeine or were given a placebo.

Black tea and green tea are not the same. While they all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, the difference is how they are processed. Oolong and black teas come from fermented leaves. This causes the EGCG to be converted to other compounds. These compounds are not as effective in treating disease. Green tea leaves, on the other hand, are steamed. This process prevents the EGCG from being oxidized. Thus, the green tea is richer in EGCG and is not corrupted in any way.

Glyconutrients supplements are another way to help your body get healthy antioxidants into the body. In fact, studies have shown that glyconutritionals help the body to create its own natural antioxidants.
About the Author

Improve Your Health Today! Want a Free Phone Consultation? Spencer Hunt is a glyconutrients consultant who recommends the 8 glyconutrients. Visit his site to see how a glyconutrient may help you.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Green Tea Extract And Successful Weight Loss

Is Green tea is good for weight loss?

Yes, believe it or not, more and more often you'll find green tea (or green tea extract) included in the compilations of many of the more popular weight loss supplements today. Tea has been used as an aid for weight loss. Drinking a cup of tea with each meal is a protocol for using tea successfully as a metabolic stimulant. Tea by itself carries only 4 calories per serving, and it's most healthy when consumed with nothing added. The caffeine in tea increases body function to help burn more calories and the polyphenols seem to aid in the digestion of fat, truly making it a Chinese diet tea.

Green tea is recommended for the diet aid mainly because of its multifaceted effects on health. The major active component that attributes the properties to the green tea are the polyphenols such as catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, gallaogatechin, epigallocatechin, and apigallocatechin gallate (known as EGCG).

Green tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols. These compounds work with other chemicals to intensify levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis, where heat is created in the body by burning fuels such as fat. Drinking Japanese green tea regularly will increase your metabolism and help burn fat safely and naturally.

In Thailand, India, Japan and China, green tea has been used as a medicine for a variety of conditions from helping with digestion to healing wounds.

But while many in the medical field proclaim the wonders of this much talked about tea, others are quick to point out that there is little or no evidence to support at least some of the claims.

Glucose Regulator

Green tea also acts as a glucose regulator i.e. it slows the rise in blood sugar following a meal, by slowing the action of a particular digestive enzyme called amylase. This enzyme is pivotal in the breakdown of starches that can cause blood sugar levels to soar following a meal.

Green tea contains Vitamin B, C and thiamine. This will ensure that our brain cells have sufficient energy to protect the nervous system from being over stimulated. A good nourished brain will surely help in achieving your weight loss goals.

In November 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, in which researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

The study conducted by the University of Geneva on the weight loss benefit of green tea extract implicated that green tea extract can also help thyroid patients. According to dietitian Lynn Moss, M.S., R.D., green tea extract is a healthier choice for people with thyroid who may be too sensitive to stimulants. Green tea extract can promote weight loss by increasing metabolism without over stimulating the adrenal glands.

Bottom Line: Green tea helps you with weight loss by boosting your metabolic rate, regulating your blood sugar, suppressing your appetite and giving you something else besides that high calorie, high sugar coffee beverage to drink in the morning. While it's not the magic bullet, it can definitely give you a boost in weight loss and in your overall health

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Read out Weight loss. Also check out for punk hairstyles and pregnancy tips

Different Green Tea Products Used As Acne Remedy

There are varied green tea products available in the market that are highly beneficial for the humans. Green tea provides numerous health benefits for which it is widely appreciated. Tannic acid is one component present in green tea which helps to reduce the redness and swelling of skin. It also helps to subside the pimples. Regular consumption of the acne green tea extract helps to improve the skin condition. It detoxifies the body and keeps it clean.

Nowadays people prefer to use herbal products to get rid of any diseases.

There are different herbal products made of green tea available to improve acne. Facial mask Using facial mask made from green tea leaves can help to improve acne. Green tea restores our skin's dead cells and tissues. As a result our skin gets a fresh and youthful look. Even if it does not cure acne totally, it won't work harshly on our skin as it has no or very negligible side affects. How to make and use it: Boil green tea leaves and let it cool. Mix the white portion of the egg with it. After washing face, apply the mixture on your face. Put a warm clean towel on you face. Keep the mask on your skin until it dries. When your skin feels tight wash it off with warm water and dry your face gently, never rub. Use of used tea bags on acne infected area Another way of using green tea for acne is after making tea, apply the remaining tea in the tea bag on the acne infected areas of the body. Once the leaves dry wash them off with warm water. This is an effective green tea acne treatment for some people. So do not throw away green tea bags after making tea, rather use the green tea bag on your face. Green tea cream Green tea creams are available in the market. They are as effective in treating acne as 4% benzoyl peroxide solution. The green tea has a soothing quality that controls the redness and swelling of skin. Green tea extract cream is more effective than other skin products. Drinking Green Tea The best acne free home remedy is to drink green tea by mixing it with honeysuckle. This mixture is known as Acne Tea in China. Acne is not just a skin problem. Other body organs like hormones, oil glands, kidney function, and our digestive system all are responsible for that. Drinking green tea can reach the root of the problem and thus help to improve the functioning of all body organs. It keeps our body free from toxins.

The quality of green tea depends on the method of processing, period of harvesting and on the growing region.

Written By - David Gilmore

About the Author

David Gilmore

Green Tea Supplements

Most experts agree that drinking green tea can be an excellent choice for your health. But some people have problems brought on by the caffeine they consume when drinking green tea. Good news! Green tea is now available without caffeine in the form of capsules.

These capsules offer the same benefits of drinking green tea without unwanted caffeine side effects. You still receive the same healthy benefits from the powerful antioxidants received when drinking several cups of green tea each day. The same benefits may be obtained but without the jitters, heart palpitations and other caffeine side effects.

Studies are showing there are many healthy benefits associated with the consumption of green tea. It is believed to help lower bad cholesterol levels and green tea may also work as an anti cancer medium.

Manufacturers are now making green tea supplements available in capsule form. These capsules are in a decaffeinated form of green tea. The same healthy benefits of drinking green tea can be achieved without the unwanted side effects of caffeine. This gives individuals a choice.

Green tea contains nearly forty milligrams of caffeine per an eight ounce cup. That is still less caffeine than what is found in the same amount of coffee, but is still enough to cause side effects that many people do not want to tolerate.

Research has shown green tea contains powerful antioxidants. Green tea extract is proving to have an antioxidant one hundred times more powerful than what if found in Vitamin C. The antioxidant in green tea is proving to be over twenty times more powerful than what is found in Vitamin E.

Green tea extract in capsule form is an easy way of getting the health benefits of green tea without all of the inconveniences. This is an easy way people can have green tea without the trouble of preparing tea several times a day. If it easy for people to consume green tea they are more likely to make it their daily habit. Green tea extract in capsule form is a very simple way to meet the daily requirements for the health benefits of green tea without unwanted caffeine side effects.

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For more information about the healthy benefits of green tea, go to

Green Tea for Cancer Prevention?

Is there cancer in your family history? If so, you may benefit from drinking green tea because green tea is believed to beneficial in cancer prevention.

Green tea has been used in Asian countries for centuries for medicinal purposes, and this is not true for western countries, but this may be about to change. Today, green tea is being studied by many scientists around the world, and they are discovering the many benefits associated with tea.

Studies have recently revealed that polyphenol, a substance discovered in green tea, has been found to be effective against cancer. This powerful antioxidant is effective at blocking and inhibiting cancerous growths.

Green tea has been shown to be effective at fighting numerous types of cancers, including colon, prostrate, bladder and breast cancer. This has been shown in Japan and other Asian countries, where drinking green tea is a daily habit. There appears to be a much lower incident of cancer in these countries in comparison to western civilization. This may be due to the fact that western countries drink more colas and other types of beverages that do not have the cancer fighting properties of green tea.

By observing green tea drinking quantities in Japan, it can be estimated how much green tea should be consumed per day. On average, the typical Japanese drinks 3 to 4 cups of green tea per day. Yet in America, the average person doesn't drink that much green tea in a year.

Drinking green tea helps block some of the formation of cancer cells prior to them starting. So drinking green tea before cancer develops may help prevent it from starting. Cancer is a devastating disease, and in many families it is genetically based. Drinking at least three cups of green tea per day can be beneficial in preventing this disease. If cancer exists in your family history green tea can be a very healthy choice.

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For more information about the healthy benefits of green tea, go to

Green Tea Is A Healthy Addition To Your Diet

How do you decide which way adding green tea to your diet is right for you? There is a wide array of ways to add green tea to your daily diet today. These range from taking pills and supplement to just drinking green tea. For many people, it is easier to just add a supplement to their diet, and get all of the benefits of drinking green tea without having to drink so many cups of tea.

One of the first things to consider when looking at supplementing your diet with green tea is the possible side effects. If you have unwanted side effects when consuming caffeine you may consider a green tea supplement that is decaffeinated. You must also look at the other ingredients that have been added to many supplements to be sure there will not be adverse reactions when combined with other supplements or drugs you are presently taking.

Green tea diets are quite popular today. Many people enjoy a cup of brewed hot green tea. Green tea is also delicious as a cold drink. Drinking green tea all day is not for everyone. Now green tea is available as a diet supplement that is in the form of easy to swallow capsules or pills.

Green tea provides many healthy benefits when it is added to ones diet. Green tea can help decrease free radicals in the body with the addition of the powerful antioxidants which green tea contains. Green tea can also increase the body's metabolic rate as well as improve the body's ability to burn fat. More and more healthy benefits are being discovered today in association with the addition of green tea to one's diet.

A popular way of adding green tea to your diet is by drinking brewed tea. Honey, sugar, stevia, or artificial sweeteners may be added if a sweet flavor is preferred. Some also enjoy a little milk added to their hot tea.

Some people prefer using green tea bags for brewed tea. Others will argue loose tea leaves brewed are a better choice to obtain the most benefit from green tea. For those who prefer not to have loose leaves floating in their tea mesh infuser, tea balls, tea socks, and basket filters may be purchased.

Green tea is also delicious as a cold drink. It is now available in bottles at most stores and vending machines where soft drinks are sold. If you prefer brewing your own you may allow your green tea to cool after brewing and pour the tea over ice. Drinking green tea this way is a refreshing way to add green tea to your diet. It is also just as healthy this way.

If tea is not "your cup of tea" you may choose a green tea diet supplement. There are many green tea products available on the market to suite your individual taste and needs. What ever green tea diet you prefer it is sure to be a healthy choice.

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For more information about the healthy benefits of green tea, go to

Can High Cholesterol be Reduced with Green Tea?

There are many healthy reasons for drinking green tea. It is a simple way to do something you can enjoy and benefit your health at the same time. But did you know by adding green tea to your diet you can lower your cholesterol levels?

There have been studies showing many healthy benefits associated with green tea consumption. There are now studies that show green tea can aid the body's ability to lower cholesterol. By adding a cup of your favorite green tea to your daily diet you can do just that.

A natural, drug free way of lowering out of control cholesterol levels by simply adding green tea to one's diet is becoming a daily practice for many people. It is becoming more popular with practitioners as well as they are beginning to suggest green tea to aid in lowering cholesterol levels.

Research has shown that green tea lowers harmful cholesterol levels and also raises good cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that by drinking green tea on a daily basis high cholesterol levels can be lowered. Lowering cholesterol is yet another of the numerous healthy benefits of adding green tea to your diet.

Studies conducted on animals have shown that green tea polyphenols may actually prevent cholesterol absorption. These studies also have shown that green tea polyphenols helped excrete cholesterol from the body. Basically, this is how lower cholesterol levels are obtained when green tea is added to the diet. Studies have shown people who drink green tea as a daily part of their diet have lower cholesterol levels than those who do not drink any green tea. Reason enough to add green tea to my diet.

Other studies have shown green tea to contain very powerful antioxidants. Green tea has been found to contain epicatechins. They are very powerful antioxidants that lower high blood pressure symptoms. They are also believed to help in cancer prevention.

A study conducted of men who smoke found more revealing conclusions. This study has shown the men who drank green tea daily had lower blood levels of LDL, the harmful cholesterol. Much lower. Epicatechins contained in green tea reduced bad cholesterol almost by half.

In the western part of the world people are just catching on to what people in the eastern part of the world have known for centuries. Green tea can be a cure for many ailments. Green tea is becoming more popular all around the world. Now we know that reducing a high cholesterol level is yet another of the many healthy benefits of consuming green tea.

About the Author

For more information about the healthy benefits of green tea, go to

The Green Tea and Weight Loss Connection

Are you trying to lose weight and become healthier? Do you find it harder and harder to shed those unwanted pounds? If you answered yes, you are not alone in your struggles. Hundreds of people just like you are having problems with weight loss. Read on to discover a drink that will enhance your weight loss and make you healthier.

Green tea has been around for centuries and the health benefits of green tea have been known for centuries. Green tea can literally be considered a wonder drink. The reason for this is that green tea contains polyphenols. Polyphenols are best known for their anti-oxidant properties. Anti-oxidants are important for fighting off free radicals that can do cell damage in our bodies. But green tea has one very important element not found in other drinks. This element is called catechins.

Catechins are abundant in green tea. They have antioxidant ability. But more importantly they are also known to be an anti carcinogenic. Catechins can fight off the cells that cause cancer in your body.

They are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. What this could mean to you is that green tea can help with arthritis pain, and other types of joint pain. Unlike pain killers and other anti-inflammatory drugs, green tea is safe to drink and should cause no ill side effects.

We have looked at the health benefits of green tea, but where does weight loss with green tea enter the picture? The catechins in green tea have been found to have an thermogenic effect that triggers the body to burn fat.

Studies have shown that individuals who drank green tea on a regular basis lost a significant amount of body fat and weight compared to a control group who did not drink green tea.

So if you are trying to lose weight and to get healthy, consider replacing your coffee with a warm cup of green tea in the mornings. Replace your sugary sodas with a bottle of green tea during the day. Find a good weight loss diet and stick to it. Get some exercise and you will find that the pounds will start to melt away. It's not magic, it's just green tea!

About the Author

Lucinda is a registered nurse and freelance copywriter. If you want to learn about how to lose weight quickly and easily check out this site at

A Great Cup of Tea Starts with Great Tea, Naturally

You can make a great cup of tea with almost any old teapot, but you can't do it without great tea.

There are no two ways about it: a great up of tea begins with great tea. What you do with that tea - how you brew it - is important, too, but there is absolutely no substitute for great tea.

So how do you know one tea from another? For most of us, it is a matter of taste. Some folks prefer black tea, others oolong, and others green or white. But there's much more to it than that.

Great tea begins with great tea leaves, preferably grown at high altitude and process to bring out the leaves' unique flavor and character.

Here are some tips for finding great tea: Look for loose tea leaves. Some of the best varieties are sold by the ounce (or grams) or by the pound, for those who know what they like and want to purchase a lot. As a rule of thumb, the more expensive the tea, the higher quality it may be. Taste, however, factors into it, and some expensive teas are simply produced in limited quantity, and price reflects both supply, and, in many cases, quality.

For oolongs, I prefer fairly light ones, made from whole leaves that unfurl during the brewing process. "Jade oolong" is a good example of a moderately priced loose-leaf tea that brews to a fine potion that's fragrant, almost sweet, and invigorating. For white teas, I prefer "silver needle", a relatively expensive tea whose leaves look like light gray-green needles and make a "grassy", fragrant brew. I also like "snow buds", a less expensive white tea with a slightly more roasted flavor and aroma. As for green teas, I favor the robust hoji cha, whose needle-like leaves brew a strongly roasted flavor and an earthy aroma or gunpowder tea, whose leaves unfurl in hot water, yielding a smoky, rich brew. Green tea can also have a grassy, fresh flavor and aroma - a typical example is sen cha. Some folks like black tea. It's my least favorite, but I have to admit that Lychee Noir (black tea flavored with lychee nuts) can hit the spot on a cold winter afternoon.

As for tea bags, if you want a great cup of tea, my advice is, "don't even think about it."

So what about tea pots, brewing cups, and such. I think the most important thing, whether you brew in a pot or a cup is to have enough room in the pot or tea strainer for water to circulate freely around the leaves. Brewing a great cup of tea is more about technique than it is about equipment. Simple rules: use the right amount of tea for the effect you want; use just-boiling water, and pour or remove the tea strainer from the tea at the right time. " The volume of tea leaves you use and how long you brew have more to do with your personal preference than any right or wrong way. Most days I brew my tea in a bamboo tea "basket" or strainer that I put in a mug. I put the strainer in a small bowl between infusions and re-infuse the leaves until they are without flavor. The number of infusions I get per strainer varies with the type of tea and how much I use in the first place. By afternoon, however, when I want a fine cup of jade oolong, I brew my tea in a small, unglazed Chinese pot that makes two small Asian-style cups (those things that look like small bowls). Here, too, I reuse the leaves until they no longer have flavor. Glazed ceramic tea pots have their place, too, and they're certainly worthy of great tea leaves. Unless you're making tea for a big group and pouring it all at once, I don't recommend brewing tea in a large pot. Leaving the leaves to infuse for long periods can yield a bitter brew, and microwaved tea that has been brewed earlier in the day just doesn't do it for me.

If you're looking for more information about tea, visit, where the old Tea Tigress offers descriptions of tea types, brewing instructions, and her very strong opinions.

About the Author

Hannah Wing is a freelance writer, and has been an avid tea drinker for as long as she can remember. She also writes for, den of the opinionated Tea Tigress.

Green tea good for arthritis

In the future, arthritis relief may come from a cup of green tea.

Researchers from the University of Michigan Medical School recently found that this beverage contains a compound that appears to reduce inflammation and joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

The compound called EGCG (epigallocatchin gallate) is being investigated as a treatment for RA. So far, results are encouraging.

The scientists presented their findings at Experimental Biology 2007, an annual gathering of several scientific societies that was held in Washington, D.C.

In their study, the researchers found that joint cells called synovial fibroblasts that were affected by RA improved after being treated with EGCG. Compared to the untreated fibroblasts, the treated ones had lower levels of inflammation, according to Dr. Salah-uddin Ahmed, one of the investigators.

"The EGCG-treated cells produced lower levels of two other inflammatory chemicals than cells that hadn't been treated with EGCG. In fact, the highest tested dose of EGCG virtually halted production of those inflammatory chemicals during the experiment. Further lab tests show that EGCG blocked a chemical chain reaction linked to inflammation and joint damage," reported Miranda Hitti in WebMD Medical News.

"The results from this study suggest that EGCG may be of potential therapeutic value in regulating the joint destruction in RA," Ahmed said.

In addition to EGCG, Dr. David Buttle of the University of Sheffield in England said green tea also contains ECG (epicatechin gallate) that can help prevent osteoarthritis by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

"If you have fairly severe joint damage it may be too late to do anything about it, but if you spend decades of your life drinking green tea in the end it may be beneficial," Buttle said.

However, researchers have yet to determine if drinking green tea produces the same effect as in being treated with EGCG directly and how much green tea is needed to achieve the desired results.

Earlier, Dr. Tariq Haqqi of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, found that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols may reduce the incidence and severity of RA.

In his report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Haqqi said that mice that were given water mixed with green tea and later injected with a drug to induce RA were less susceptible to the disease. The amount of green tea consumed by the mice was equivalent to four cups a day.

"For the mice fed green tea which did however develop arthritis, it occurred as late onset and mild. Only 8 out of 18 mice receiving green tea polyphenols developed arthritis, while 17 out of 18 mice not receiving green tea polyphenols developed arthritis," revealed Carol and Richard Eustice in "Your Guide to Arthritis," an online newsletter of

At present, green tea is consumed in many parts of the world, including India, China, and Japan where it is regarded as a health drink. Expect to hear more good news as scientists look further into the benefits of green tea. In the meantime, you can control arthritis pain and inflammation with a little help from Flexcerin, This natural formula promotes healthy joint function, alleviates pain and swelling, and repairs damaged joints. See for more information.

About the Author

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Important Benefits Of Green Tea

Research continues into the benefits of green tea but there is quite a list so far and here is a list of the four main areas.

Levels Of Antioxidents

Probably the most claimed and widely known of the benefits of green tea is that it contains high levels of antioxidants.

Antioxidants can help to lower cholesterol and help with managing diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and some other conditions.

The main benefit to you of consuming antioxidants however is that they help your body to fight off the harmful effects of free radicals. These are by products of metabolism and they attack the tissue membranes causing obstructive and harmful damage.

Heart Protection

The level of antioxidants is behind several claimed benefits of green tea.

Research has shown that antioxidants show promise in reducing levels of cholesterol, minimizing cardiac disease and also as a way of helping to control hypertension.

Help For Your Liver

The benefits of green tea also extend to protection for your liver. Current research suggests that there is a strong correlation between the antioxidants found in green tea and the day to day healthy functioning of the liver.

The liver, of all the organs in your body could be considered one of the most important. It processes many of the substances that would otherwise be fatal to us and are consumed every day.

The liver prevents damage caused by toxins such as alcohol, cigarettes and impurities in the air we breathe.

Given too much abuse however, the liver itself can suffer from toxin damage. Studies of the benefits of green tea strongly suggest that green tea offers some protection to the cells that comprise the liver as well as stimulating and strengthening the immune system within the body as a whole.

Help For Arthritis Sufferers

Other studies highlight another of the benefits of green tea and that is the delay of the arthritic process. This is again due to the levels of antioxidents which also help to minimise some of the painful results that arise from arthritis.


Once you have tried it, you may agree that the most important of the benefits of green tea is quite simply, its taste and knowing you are drinking something healthy.
About the Author

Trevor Sadowski is very keen on the benefits of green tea and encourages everyone to at least give it a try.

Visit his website to discover more of the benefits of green tea and useful facts on where to get this amazing natural resource.

Diet Green Tea: Is It Really Good For You

The popularity of healthy and all-natural beverages have surged over the past few years because more and more people are becoming more concerned about their health and fitness. Now, instead of grabbing a can of soda or a bottle of artificial juice, people just take water or all-natural beverages instead.

One of the more popular drinks that are attracting people's attention is the green tea. Aside from the usual hot green tea, big soft drink manufacturers and beverage companies are offering cold diet green tea as alternative to soda and other unhealthy drinks. In fact, multinational beverage groups are fusing and mixing green tea with other fruit flavors to give people more choices.

What is probably in everybody's mind right now is whether diet green tea is here for good or is this just one of the drink craze of the moment? Another issue that is worth discussing is whether green tea is really good for you.

Green Tea

Since time immemorial, green tea has already been a tea of choice in the East, particularly in China and Japan. The plant from where the green tea came from is Camellia sinensis. The funny thing is that this is also where the black tea is taken from. The only difference between the green and the black tea is process in which they undergo in order to become tea. In the green variety, the leaves of the Camellia sinensis is only dried, while in black tea, the plant is fermented.

Although both black and green tea came from the same plant, their taste is different. The green tea is much more grassy and light than the fermented black tea.

Benefits of Green Tea

The number one benefit of green tea is that it prevents many serious illnesses that plague a lot of people today. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that lower your risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis and some types of cancer, particularly cancer of the esophagus.

Green Tea is also effective in eliminating heartburn, easing bladder problems and fighting off viruses. Moreover, some studies have found that regular consumption of green tea can increase your level of good cholesterol.

Green tea is not only effective in fighting off viruses, but it is also used by Chinese herbalist to kill the bacteria that causes tooth decay and food poisoning. This is probably why Asian people drink hot green tea after meals.

If you want to delay your aging process and improve the quality of your skin, you can also try consuming green tea everyday. It is no wonder that many skin care products - from moisturizers to body lotions and perfumes to cellulite creams - are now using green tea as an active ingredient.

The ability of green tea to speed up the metabolism is actually the main reason why it is very popular today. A lot of celebrities and models all over the world have tried using green tea to speed up their weight loss so many fans are following the suggestion of their idols. Aside from boosting the metabolism, it is also believed that green tea can suppress your appetite and prevent your body from absorbing fat.

In order to reap all the benefits of green tea, experts say that you need to consume about three to five cups of green tea. Instead of drinking coffee in the office, you can probably just drink green tea, whether iced or hot, so that you can achieve all the benefits of green tea.

If you like diet green tea, you don't have to worry. These products also contain the nutrients and health-giving benefits that the regular green tea can give. Moreover, diet green tea does not contain sugar, so you will not have to worry about packing on the pounds.

About the Author

Bob is the owner of Diet Green Tea for Weight Loss website. Diet Green Tea ingredients are clinically proven to help you lose weight. This advanced ephedrine free formula is powered by a revolutionary blend of green tea and other potent thermogenic compounds clinically proven to increase the body's metabolic rate and energy expenditure to help promote reductions in weight and body fat.

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green Tea holds an exalted place among beverages. As a matter of fact, next to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Green Tea is one of the richest natural sources of antioxidants and Green Tea Diets are quickly becoming popular. Most of the published health research on Green Tea has been in regard to preventing disease, such as certain types of cancer, but other health benefits from Green Tea have been studied in test tube, human and animal trials with many positive results. Green Tea is loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. As chemists investigate how Green Tea works its medicinal magic, they have zeroed in on a family of antioxidants know as catechins. Catechins are members of the flavonoid family and are naturally occurring in a number of plant-derived foods. Some of the catechins in Green Tea are more powerful than a number of familiar antioxidants.

Green Tea is derived from the leaf of a plant called Camellia Sinensis. The leaves are processed and used to make tea. Green, black and oolong tea are all sourced from Camellia Sinensis. The differences in processing determine which kind of tea the leaves become.

Benefits of Green Tea

Cancer prevention: The majority of research to date on Green Tea focuses on cancer prevention. Population studies in Asia have found lower rates of cancer among those who consume large amounts of Green Tea. (10) A study of Japanese men and women with a 13 year follow up revealed that increased consumption of Green Tea was revealed that increased consumption of Green Tea was associated with a delay of diagnosis of cancer.(1)

Mean age at cancer onset among men or women who consumed over 10 cups of Green Tea a day was 7.6 years later than those consuming less than three cups. It was noted that the delay in cancer was only relevant to those below the age of 79. Animal, human and test tube studies have shown that Green Tea may reduce the risk of prostate, breast, esophageal, lung, skin, pancreatic and bladder cancers. (2)

Of the hundreds of studies done on Green Tea, only about 10% have involved humans. (10)

While the data is promising, it is still limited. The good news is that this data is providing insight and direction for further studies to be done on the chemopreventive effects of Green Tea.

Protecting the heart: There is early evidence, though not conclusive, that regular intake of Green Tea may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Several well designed studies have demonstrated significant risk reduction in people who drink Green Tea regularly.

Green Tea and Coronary Heart Disease

A recent cohort study assessed the effects of Green Tea consumption on 8,522 Japanese men over a period of 12 years. The data showed that men who drank 10 cups of Green Tea daily versus the men who consumed only 3 cups daily had a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease. (3)

Green Tea and Stroke

A cohort study of Japanese women demonstrated an inverse relationship between Green Tea consumption and the incidence of stroke. The study followed 5,910 Japanese women who neither smoked nor drank alcohol for four years. The incidence of stoke was significantly lower in women who consumed at least 3-4 cups of Green Tea per day. (3) (11)

Green Tea and Hypertension

In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that consumption of Green or oolong Tea at 120 ml or more per day, for one year, significantly reduced the risk of developing hypertension. (8) Researchers also examined the impact of long term tea consumption on the risk of developing hypertension in 1,507 men and women. Those who consistently drank 120 ml or more of tea per day had a lower risk of developing hypertension.

Green Tea and Exercise Endurance

People have long used Green Tea for energy. A study might shed light on Green Tea as a tool for endurance. Published by the American Physiological Society, the study demonstrated that Green Tea extract markedly improved endurance capacity in mice. (5) Swimming time to exhaustion was evaluated in mice fed Green Tea extract. The mice that were fed Green Tea extract had prolonged endurance capacity by 8-24% and the effect was accompanied by a stimulation of lipid metabolism. It is also noted that the effects were dose dependent. Although not yet confirmed in human studies, these results suggest Green Tea might be a useful tool for athletes.

Green Tea Weight Loss

The newest research on Green Tea has been in the area of weight loss including Green Tea Diet. Research suggests Green Tea diets promotes weight loss by favorably affecting lipid metabolism in the blood, and though the stimulation of thermogenesis (fat-burning process). (4) (12) Regarding Green Tea diets and thermogenesis, a study examining the benefits of functional foods for weight control showed that Green Tea diets increased energy expenditure over a 24 hour period. This is probably due to the combination of catechins and caffeine naturally occurring in Green Tea. (4) Green Tea diets look to be a promising new tool for weight loss.

Green Tea: Supplement vs. Beverage

While most of the studies of Green Tea have been done on the consumption of brewed tea, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that catechin absorption was enhanced when tea polyphenois were administered as a Green Tea supplement in pill form. (9) Simply put, the Green Tea in supplement form showed enhanced bioavailability compared with that of Green or Black Tea in beverage from. Whether you prefer to drink tea or take a pill, you are still getting the health benefits of Green Tea.

Dietary recommendations:

250-500 mg standardized Green Tea extract daily. Make sure the label reads standardized to catechins content or EGCG content. You can either take Green Tea extract in supplement form or brew your own tea.


1. Nakachi,K., et al., "Can teatime increase one's lifetime?" Ageing Res rev. 2003:2:1-10. 2. "About Herbs: Green Tea" Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, (12/16/2004) 3. Higdon, J.V., Frei, B., "Tea Catechins and Polyhenois: health Effects, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Functions" Critic Rev Food Sc Nutr, 2003: 43(1):89-143. 4. Srejic, E., "Green Tea as a Commercial Ingredient: Applications and Chalenges", Natural Products Industry Insider, 4/26/04 5. Murase, T., et al., "Green Tea extract improves endurance capacity and increases muscle lipid oxidation in mice" Am J Physisol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.2005:288:R708-R715. 6. Murase, T., et al., "Beneficial effects of tea catechins on diet-induced obesity:stimulation of lipid catabolism in the liver" Int J Obes. 2202;26:1459-1464. 7. Science Daily, "Green Tea Can Help Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis", June 1999. 8. "Tea May Prevent Hypertension" , Natural Products Industry Insider, 08/06/2005). 9. Henning, S.M., et al., "Bioavailability and antioxidant activity of tea flavanols after consumption of green tea, black tea, or a green tea extract supplement", Am J Clin Nutr, 2004:80:1558-1564. 10. "How Green Tea May Help Your Body", Celestial Seasonings (12/16/2004). 11. Sato T. Nakatsuka H., et al. "Possible contribution of green tea drinking habits to the prevention of stroke:. , Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 1989;157:337-343. 12. Dulloo AG., Duret C., et al."Effiacay of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24 hour energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans" Am J Clinc Nutr, 1999;70:1040-1045.
About the Author

Terry Brown is the CEO of and a leading proponent of effective weight loss using Hoodia Diets.

Are Oolong Tea And Wu Long Tea The Same?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Skin Care - Green Tea Benefits For Natural Skin Care

Any logical tea drinker will look at green tea and agree that it is good to drink, especially with the flavors that are available. However, green tea is much more than just flavored water in a cup. It has grown much faster and expanded its abilities to help you continue to be healthy. For those that aren't convinced that green tea is good for you, why not look beyond the benefits of drinking it. Green tea also benefits the skin, helping you to maintain a healthy and younger look. The numerous healthy benefits from drinking green tea are very well established today. Many believe consuming green tea will prolong your life. The powerful antioxidants found in green tea have been shown to be effective in cancer prevention for some types of cancer. But did you know consuming green tea also benefits your skin.

Green tea diet - Medical Claims
In Thailand, India, Japan and China, green tea has been used as a medicine for a variety of conditions from helping with digestion to healing wounds.

But while many in the medical field proclaim the wonders of this much talked about tea, others are quick to point out that there is little or no evidence to support at least some of the claims. One of the more popular drinks that are attracting people's attention is the green tea. Aside from the usual hot green tea, big soft drink manufacturers and beverage companies are offering cold diet green tea as alternative to soda and other unhealthy drinks. In fact, multinational beverage groups are fusing and mixing green tea with other fruit flavors to give people more choices.

What is probably in everybody's mind right now is whether diet green tea is here for good or is this just one of the drink craze of the moment? Another issue that is worth discussing is whether green tea is really good for you.

The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

Benefits of Green Tea
The number one benefit of green tea is that it prevents many serious illnesses that plague a lot of people today. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that lower your risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis and some types of cancer, particularly cancer of the esophagus.

Green Tea is also effective in eliminating heartburn, easing bladder problems and fighting off viruses. Moreover, some studies have found that regular consumption of green tea can increase your level of good cholesterol.

Green tea is not only effective in fighting off viruses, but it is also used by Chinese herbalist to kill the bacteria that causes tooth decay and food poisoning. This is probably why Asian people drink hot green tea after meals.

If you want to delay your aging process and improve the quality of your skin, you can also try consuming green tea everyday. It is no wonder that many skin care products - from moisturizers to body lotions and perfumes to cellulite creams - are now using green tea as an active ingredient.

How much green tea is right for you?
That depends upon who you listen to. Some Chinese homeopathic health practitioners call for 10 cups a day, while some health researchers say that 2 to 3 cups will do the trick. When you look at all of the varying research, and take the average, 4 to 5 eight ounce cups of green tea per day should be good enough for most people.

If you don't like drinking green tea, or find the process of brewing green tea to be more that you are willing to go through 4 to 5 times per day, there are companies who produce "Green Tea Capsules" which contain doses of EGCG.

It's been said that anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Since no one has found any instances of "death by green tea", it certainly can't do you any harm (and it just might do you some good), to introduce green tea into your life.

Beauty benefits
Traditionally, many types of make-up, lotions, creams and beauty preparations have used chemical antioxidants, or vitamins A, C and E as preservatives for their products. Now, with research indicating that green tea has even more antioxidant properties than these powerful vitamins, there is a surge in products capitalising on its natural benefits.
Skin benefits of green tea

There have been a number of encouraging studies of skin benefits of green tea. Animal studies showed protection from skin cancer. Both animal and human studies have credibly demonstrated that topical green tea formulations reduce sun damage. Green tea appears to exert sun damage protection by quenching free radicals and reducing inflammation rather than by blocking UV rays. Therefore, green tea may synergistically enhance sun protection when used in addition to a sunscreen.

A small study showed benefits of 2% polyphenone (via a particular type of green tea extract) in papulopustular rosacea. In particular, a significant reduction in inflammatory lesion was reported compared to placebo.

About the Author
Read out Makeup. Also check out for pregnancy and rosacea

Green Tea and Weight Loss Herbs

Various clinical studies have been made regarding the benefits of green tea and its properties. Some believe that green tea extract combined with other herbs that have weight loss properties are extremely beneficial.

Weight Loss Herbs
There are a number of natural herbs that contribute to weight loss. Gugulipid, sap from the mokul myrrh tree in India, has been shown to augment the metabolic rate of the body and help with thermogenesis, thus leading to weight loss. Gugulipid has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and to lower cholesterol levels.

It is a fairly nontoxic product. Some side-effects are possibly a mild skin rash or GI upset/diarrhea. Studies show that it does not adversely affect liver or kidney function or blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

How to Maximize Weight Loss with Green Tea
A standardized weight loss herbal extract of green tea is needed to maximize weight loss. There are several non-standardized green tea weight loss products on the market. They are cheaper but do not contain enough active green tea substances to have any significant weight loss benefits.

You may achieve better weight loss results if you choose a product that contains a rich blend of green tea, herbs, minerals, and nutrients that aid in weight loss.

How to Buy a Green Tea Weight Loss Product
When buying a green tea product, determine if the manufacturer of the green tea extract follows strict GMP compliance standards. This is the manufacturing standard used throughout the world. The GMP approval assures you that you are getting a product of the highest quality.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbal products such as green tea are considered dietary supplements. This means that the success or effectiveness of these products do not have a guarantee. You should not patronize companies or manufacturers that claim 100% success in their green tea products. This is false advertising.

About the Author
Sandra researches and writes about topics that affect our daily life. Read more about green tea at

Natural Skincare from Green Tea

Chinese herbal practice is very well known for its natural ingredients and its numerous organic products. One of the wonders of Chinese health practice is green tea. Through the years, the habit of drinking green tea has become popular from the mainland to many parts of the world. Because of its known health benefits, demand for the beverage has significantly risen. Now, there are studies that link natural skincare benefits from consumption of green tea.

In China and other Asian countries like Japan, Thailand and India, green tea has been found to be effective in having several medicinal properties. Particularly, the tea has been used to aid digestion and help heal wounds. While modern medicine is still finding proofs for the therapeutic claims for green tea, some people readily accept the known health benefits based on hundreds of years of experience and observations.

Many traditional Chinese skincare products now have green tea as an active ingredient to them. There are creams, lotions and beauty preparations that are known to have green tea extracts in them. These skincare and beauty products also have antioxidants and vitamins E, C and A added to serve as natural preservatives. What is more? These natural products are said to be more effective because the good effects of green tea are matched by the natural good effects of the other nutrients. Currently, there are many manufacturers that are focusing on green tea because the natural herbal beverage has been found to have better and more effective skincare benefits.

There are new findings of studies showing green tea as having additional skincare properties. For one, the active ingredients in the beverage are said to be effective in offsetting the harmful impact of skin damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun. Experiments using several kinds of animals have established that green tea formulations help reduce sun damage to the skin. The radicals and natural properties of the beverage reduce inflammation and help serve as blockage to screen out the damaging properties of sun rays. Experts advise that you drink green tea or use products with it along with the regular use and application of your usual sun block protection.

No wonder, green tea is starting to be present everywhere. Now, you can find green tea in modern cold beverages. Several softdrink manufacturers are developing drinks based on green tea as a possible good replacement for the ever popular softdrinks and fruit juices. There are green tea beverages that have different and truly interesting flavors. Green tea used to be served hot and in cups. Now, they can be iced cold and can be enjoyed anytime of the day or even as a refreshment during a very hot summer day.

Recommended amount of green tea for it to function as a natural skincare regimen varies. Dermatologists and herbal medicine practitioners would endorse about two to three cups a day, while traditional Chinese culture advises people to have about eight cups each day.

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