Thursday, November 8, 2007

Important Benefits Of Green Tea

Research continues into the benefits of green tea but there is quite a list so far and here is a list of the four main areas.

Levels Of Antioxidents

Probably the most claimed and widely known of the benefits of green tea is that it contains high levels of antioxidants.

Antioxidants can help to lower cholesterol and help with managing diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and some other conditions.

The main benefit to you of consuming antioxidants however is that they help your body to fight off the harmful effects of free radicals. These are by products of metabolism and they attack the tissue membranes causing obstructive and harmful damage.

Heart Protection

The level of antioxidants is behind several claimed benefits of green tea.

Research has shown that antioxidants show promise in reducing levels of cholesterol, minimizing cardiac disease and also as a way of helping to control hypertension.

Help For Your Liver

The benefits of green tea also extend to protection for your liver. Current research suggests that there is a strong correlation between the antioxidants found in green tea and the day to day healthy functioning of the liver.

The liver, of all the organs in your body could be considered one of the most important. It processes many of the substances that would otherwise be fatal to us and are consumed every day.

The liver prevents damage caused by toxins such as alcohol, cigarettes and impurities in the air we breathe.

Given too much abuse however, the liver itself can suffer from toxin damage. Studies of the benefits of green tea strongly suggest that green tea offers some protection to the cells that comprise the liver as well as stimulating and strengthening the immune system within the body as a whole.

Help For Arthritis Sufferers

Other studies highlight another of the benefits of green tea and that is the delay of the arthritic process. This is again due to the levels of antioxidents which also help to minimise some of the painful results that arise from arthritis.


Once you have tried it, you may agree that the most important of the benefits of green tea is quite simply, its taste and knowing you are drinking something healthy.
About the Author

Trevor Sadowski is very keen on the benefits of green tea and encourages everyone to at least give it a try.

Visit his website to discover more of the benefits of green tea and useful facts on where to get this amazing natural resource.

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