Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Make The Most Of Your Green Tea Leaves

Make The Most Of Your Green Tea Leaves by Green Tea Today

in Food (submitted 2007-05-13)

Not everybody knows how to make the most of their green tea leaves to reap the benefit of green tea. Most of them are taught how to reach their desirable tea from learning from their mistakes or from close family or friends. There are many different ways of brewing tea leaves right, and the following rules can be followed to ensure the highest quality of green tea can be brewed from your green tea leaves.
Before you start to brew your green tea leaves, be sure that you have the best quality of tea leaves you can find. Also, be sure to make sure the green tea leaves are not too old if you desire much flavor. The water affects the outcome of the green tea leaves greatly. Try not to use tap water, but instead, use the highest quality of water you can attain. Many people do not understand how much the water can affect the green tea's flavor.

Steeping is a very substantial method for green tea leaves, and it allows the tea to flow with the water. The procedure takes place when the green tea leaves are placed in the water for a very long period. It all depends on the type of tea you use. Green tea's steeping time is very specific. It involves steeping tea in water that has reached a temperature of 160-180 degrees for around two or three minutes. You should also check the instructions that come with the green tea leaves for the recommended times that the manufacturers suggest.

The tea leaves should be brewed in water with a deep pan with enough room to give room for the tea leaves to expand sufficiently. With this method, you learn the correct way to brew the green tea leaves. The green tea leaves can be strained after the steeping is complete with a strainer or a tea infuser. The tea infusers are designed to remove every single bit that is left from the green tea leaves for a complete green tea diet.

About the Author

The latest news about green tea diet and benefit of green tea at Green Tea Today.

Green Tea Acne Treatment

Green Tea Acne Treatment by Green Tea Today

in Health (submitted 2007-05-12)

Introduction to Acne and Green Tea

Green tea is a healthy alternative to the many creams and lotions that have been widely popularized as acne medicines. The Chinese have used green tea to cure and prevent many illnesses in their country and so have many other countries in Asia. But, can drinking green tea be an effective measure against acne? A desperate person with an outbreak of acne may take this unique beverage into consideration. How will this herbal beverage compare to the many commercial brands of acne medications in the vast facial market? A benefit of green tea is the lessening of body acne on the face, back, and just plain anywhere on the body.

Benzoyl Peroxide Vs. Green Tea

Yes, green tea can be a pretty effective medicine to control the onslaught of acne. In fact, there are only two herbal medicines that are effective at controlling acne, and green tea is one of the two. A green tea cream was tested against a commercial acne medicine with a solution of 4% benzoyl peroxide on a face that was suffering from a heavy case of acne. The test resulted in the conclusion that green tea was a viable option for controlling acne as well as benzoyl peroxide.

Side Effects of Benzoyl Peroxide

But, even though the two have the same strength in controlling acne, benzoyl peroxide seems to dry out the skin on a face and cause allergic reactions very commonly. Also, green tea has many productive factors on the body such as powerful antioxidants. The EGCG in green tea is 200 times more effective at preventing the spread of free radicals than vitamin E. Green tea helps to reduce skin inflammation, activity with hormones, and it also helps in aiding in the detoxification of the skin.

Green Tea Extract

A very popular and versatile herbal supplement is green tea extract. Green tea extract can be introduced through the skin as in the case of acne control. Green tea extract can be taken as a daily supplement in the form of a pill or concentrate.

Pimple Tea

Green tea with honeysuckle also seems to help against a furious case of acne. This is also called "Pimple Tea" in most Chinese communities. The method is very popular in the instance of most Chinese communities. It helps to aid in digestion and detoxifying the person's system. The detoxification process helps to get rid of the toxins that cause acne.


Overall, the daily introduction of green tea into the body is welcomed gratefully. A green tea diet will definitely help most acne sufferers from the horrible onslaught called acne. Even though green tea is an effective remedy at fighting acne, its use in the body is even more amazing including the many benefits of green tea. There are little known side effects that may come with green tea, too.

About the Author

The latest news about green tea diet and benefit of green tea at Green Tea Today.

Noted Benefits Of Green Tea

Noted Benefits Of Green Tea by Green Tea Today

in Health (submitted 2007-05-12)

Green tea is known to provide a large amount of polyphenols and antioxidant movement greater than a serving of most fruits and vegetables. Most of the studies confirm green tea's wide array of antioxidants, polyphenols, theanine, working with a wide diversity of vitamins and minerals. They all conclude the amazing benefits that green tea offers. The amazing beverage named green tea is notorious for its unheard of power to extend life. Many of the studies that dive into green tea have results offering its power in preventing disease as well.

Destruction of Free Radicals

A benefit of green tea is the destruction of free radicals. Cancer's high death rate is known to be significantly lower for both genders in the Orient. Consumption of five to six cups daily of green tea is consumed in areas that produce green tea, making it one of the most popular beverages in the Orient. This suggests that the main ingredients of green tea regarding the polyphenols in sufficient amounts seem to mysteriously lower the standard death rates for stomach cancer.

Restricts Blood Cholesterol

One of the types of cholesterol is "bad" cholesterol (LDL), and heavy build up of these in tissues can lead to atherosclerosis. The type of cholesterol that is the "good" kind is HDL cholesterol that prevents accumulation of excessive "bad" cholesterol. It has been proven and demonstrated that green tea catechin restricts the excessive buildup of cholesterol.

Lowering Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious weight on the main vascular system and is known to cause many illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. Green tea is known for lowering blood pressure.

Lowers Blood Sugar

The agent that regulates the intake of blood sugar into tissues is insulin. Diabetes is known as a lack of insulin or not the body not using insulin properly, which does not allow proper absorption of glucose into tissues and leads to a high blood sugar level that must eventually be dumped out as waste into urine. If this high concentration of blood sugar continues for a long period, it will affect the vascular system and cause grave diseases including arteriosclerosis and retinal hemorrhages.

Stops Aging

Oxygen plays a key role in metabolism, but this element can also be dangerous. Consumption of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C promises longer life, and we already know that green teas are rich in those two vitamins. As a free radical, oxygen in the body can decay cell membranes, which will damage DNA and the fats. This then leads to diseases such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. Lipid peroxide created by fats combined with oxygen tends to build up in the body which creates a sense of aging in the body.

Brightens Up the Appearance of Skin

A nice soak for the feet in green tea has been successful as a treatment for athlete's foot and other skin illnesses. Bedsores and skin disease can be prevented or healed by using a green tea bath by adding green tea while the tub is full of water. Green tea is also known for a cure towards most cases of acne.

Teeth Become Whiter

Inside of green tea there is natural fluorine that is speculated to help in the reduction of cavities in schoolchildren. It has been known for some time that small amounts of fluorine can strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities. A green tea diet will lessen the effect of plaque and tartar in your mouth.

About the Author

The latest news about green tea diet and benefit of green tea at Green Tea Today.

Drink Green Tea for a Gorgeous New You

Drink Green Tea for a Gorgeous New You by China's Secret Teas - Hazel Tan

in Health / Fitness (submitted 2007-01-11)

You probably already knew that drinking green tea has plenty of health benefits--but did you know that it can make you gorgeous, too?

Okay, I might be spreading it on a little thick there. The truth is that green tea isn't going to miraculously turn you from an ugly duckling to a supermodel overnight. But it can do these things:

* It helps your gums stay healthy so your teeth don't fall out.
* It prevents cavities and bad breath.
* It helps you look young by smoothing out your wrinkles and by reducing damage to your skin from UV rays.
* And it helps you lose weight.

Now, lest you think these things aren't important, think about this: when was the last time you saw an overweight person with black teeth, missing teeth, wrinkles, and bad breath, and thought, "Man, they're HOT!"

I think I've made my point.

It's all true, though, I'm not making this up. It turns out that humble old green tea can do all kinds of wonderful things for you to help keep you beautiful.

Here are some of the things that green tea researchers have found:

* Acids and bacteria in your mouth are the main causes of periodontal disease (soft, bleeding gums). Green tea contains "catechins." Catechins keep the acids in check and they prevent the bacteria from reproducing. The result: your gums stay nice and healthy and pink, and your teeth stay in.

* Cavities and bad breath are caused by the same things (acids and bacteria)... So the catechins in green tea fight cavities and bad breath, as well.

* The Vitamin C in green tea helps your gums heal.

* Catechins aren't just for killing bacteria and getting rid of acids. They also reactivate dying skin cells! That makes them very good for smoothing out wrinkles.

* Green tea contains anti-oxidants (cancer-fighters) that reduce the damage that the UV light in normal sunlight does to your skin. This slows down the aging process and helps you look younger, longer.

* Finally, if you're like 2/3 of people in "modern" society, you're concerned about your weight. Well, green tea can help you keep it under control. It's those darned catechins, again. They help decrease body fat and speed up fat oxidation. Studies also show that the theanine and caffeine in green tea combine to help keep your body from making more body fat.

Of course, you have to use common sense with this. You can't suck on lollipops all day long and drink a cup of green tea and expect it to protect you from cavities. Likewise, you can't eat a steady diet of doughnuts and pork products and just drink a cup of green tea and expect to not get fat.

The best way to go is to take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, brushing your teeth... Yada, yada, you've heard this all before. But you might want to add a new habit to all of that.

You can start drinking green tea every day. A little green tea drinking session can be your you-time. Your time to relax. Your time to refresh yourself. Not only will it help you stay sane, but it may help you stay beautiful.

About the Author

Hazel Tan is a green tea enthusiast and connoisseur. Having grown up with a huge variety of Chinese teas, she was shocked at the limited range available in the West. In her quest to find authentic good quality teas, Hazel decided to set up China's Secret teas for herself and other like-minded tea aficionados. Her select range can be found on http://www.chinasecret.co.uk. Hazel's aim is to establish Chinese tea houses where people can practise the art of

Tea: Ordering Green Tea Online

Tea: Ordering Green Tea Online by Marcus Stout

in Food (submitted 2007-06-03)

If you've started to become a green tea enthusiast, no doubt you've realized that there are an overwhelming number of green teas from which to choose. Just the number of green teas varieties in China are too many to list. You may have an interest in trying them all - but that will take you quite a while!

Most green tea is grown in China and Japan, but there are other countries that grow delicious green tea, as well. Sri Lanka produces a Ceylon green tea that has a full body and is somewhat pungent with a nutty or malty flavor.

India produces Darjeeling green tea that combines the bright and grassy flavor of other green teas with the muscatel flavor that gives black Darjeeling teas their distinct flavor. India also produces Assam green teas, which are medium bodied with a bit of a honey flavor.

Excellent green tea is also produced in Vietnam, though few Americans are aware of it. Green tea from Vietnam is decidedly different from green tea from other Asian countries, as it is quite a bit stronger. Vietnamese green tea will taste strong to the point of bitterness at first. However, if you hold Vietnamese green tea in your mouth, the flavor will mellow considerably.

Korea also produces an excellent green tea. Korean green tea from the first pluckings can be some of the most delicate and light of any green tea in the world.

In recent years, even Australia has begun producing green tea. Though little of it is exported outside of Australia, the country is said to be making strides in their tea production and quality. They produce some familiar varieties of green tea like Jasmine flavored green tea.

Kenya produces green tea too, and theirs is said to be fruitier and more floral than many other green teas. Green tea from Kenya is new to the American market, but can be found from a few tea companies. The best Korean green teas are grown in Hadong, where all of the tea is produced entirely by hand.

If you'd like to try a wide variety of green teas from many different countries, you'll likely need to find one or more online tea stores to do business with. By ordering tea online, you have the whole world of tea at your fingertips without ever leaving your own home.

Even with online ordering, you may have some difficulty locating some of the most obscure green teas, but you'll certainly have a wider variety of teas available than simply shopping at local tea stores.

You can do your own research to determine some of the green teas you'd like to try and then search for companies that carry them. Or, you can choose one or two of the best online tea companies and begin by sampling what they have to offer.

To ensure that you get the best quality in your green tea, it's probably wise to choose the latter method. While one good tea company may not have every variety of green tea you'd like to try, you can be assured that you're getting the best quality tea by only doing business with the most reputable tea purveyors.

Buying sample collections of tea online is a great way to try several varieties without spending a lot of money. Once you've sorted out your favorites, you can purchase these in larger quantities.

Some tea companies make sampler packs with a combination of green tea along with black, oolong and white teas. Others will offer a sample that consists strictly of multiple varieties of green tea.

If you choose your online tea companies wisely, you simply can't go wrong. The best loose tea purveyors work with the best tea gardens in the world to ensure that they have only the finest teas for their customers.

Take the time to ensure that any tea company you buy from has a good reputation and offers a money back guarantee. This guarantee ensures you that if you ever receive a tea that is not of the quality you expect, you can return it - no questions asked.

A good online tea company can be your best ally in the quest to discover many of the world's green tea varieties. The best tea shops will continue to add new products to their lines, but will only add those that provide the best quality in tea.

As your favorite tea company's line broadens you can trust that you're extending your knowledge of the world's tea without sacrificing the quality of tea you drink.

Discovering green tea is quite a healthy adventure. While you're finding out just what green teas appeal most to you, you can rest assured that you're consuming one of the healthiest beverages in the world. Green tea is not only delicious, but has some very important health benefits.

In study after study, green tea has been shown to prevent disease and protect health. Lifelong tea drinkers have lower body weights and are less likely to suffer from heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer. Some studies even indicate that green tea may be able to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

So, go on your search for your favorite online tea shops. They can be your partner in traveling around the world to discover the many healthy and delicious green varieties of green tea!

About the Author

Marcus Stout is President of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, wholesale tea and black tea go to http://www.goldenmoontea.com

Green Tea Gift Baskets

Green Tea Gift Baskets by David Sutikno

in Food / Beverages (submitted 2010-03-04)

If you're looking for a thoughtful and healthy gift to give to friends, family or co-workers, green tea gift baskets are always a great gift idea. There are many healthy benefits to green tea in addition to its well known weight loss benefits.

Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG, which is an extract from the green tea leaves. Antioxidants help keep our bodies healthy and fight off colds, infections and diseases. Green tea leaves contain EGCG that is twice as much as a normal daily allowance of Vitamin E. Giving a green tea gift basket is like giving a gift of wellness, or wishing the recipient good health.

Some people use green tea extract oil on their face as an astringent, as it helps fight acne conditions. This is because of the hormonal balance that green tea provides the body. It is a natural way to promote skin healing and health.

Green tea gift baskets can be comprised of many different kind of green teas. There are a variety of fruit flavored green teas to choose from, which make a flavorful addition to any tea gift basket. You can either purchase a green tea gift basket that is pre-made from an internet shopping store, or buy individual packets of green teas to create your own green tea gift basket.

A green tea gift basket is especially thoughtful in the winter months. Serving a hot beverage such as green tea warms the body during cold weather. Green tea also can boost the immune system with an ingredient called bioflavonoid, which aids in respiratory function and digestion. This is a wonderful benefit to help fight off illness when people are more prone to it in the winter months. For a nice honey flavor that also soothes a sore throat, you can also try including honey swizzle sticks to stir the green tea and allow the flavor to soak into the beverage.

There are also decaffeinated green tea products available for friends and family members that are not fond of caffeine or do not drink caffeine. You can also fill your green tea gift basket with decaffeinated green tea if you prefer. There are still many kinds and flavors of decaffeinated green tea available to make a plentiful selection of teas for your tea gift basket.

Other great items that you can include in green tea gift baskets are snacks to go along with your teas, such as dried fruits, lightly salted nuts, bite size pretzels or tea cookies. Another great idea is to include flavored stir sticks in your tea gift baskets. There are a variety of flavors available to offer a fun way to sweeten tea as it is consumed.

Other ways to customize your green tea gift baskets is with some unique items such as scented candles. Jasmine and lavender scents compliment tea baskets well. Another idea is a nice tea cup or a small flower arrangement in the center of the tea gift basket to add a personal touch. Depending on the gift occasion, there are many fun ideas for center piece items that you can add to your green tea gift basket to personalize it for your recipient. The best thing about green tea gift baskets is that they can be given at any time throughout the year since tea can be served hot or cold for a refreshing, healthy beverage no matter how the recipient prefers it. Give green tea gift baskets to show that you really care!

For more information on green teas and other teas information, such as tea gift baskets and oolong tea and weight loss, please go to Tea Gift Set website.

About the Author

David Sutikno writes articles on cruising and healthy living. He also operates several websites, such as World Cruises website and Tea Gift Baskets website.

Green Tea Fat Burner Best Reviews

Green Tea Fat Burner Best Reviews by Hal Kirby

in Health (submitted 2010-01-26)

We need to find a possibility to eliminate the problem that you can find out in the Green Tea. Thusly, when someone talks about the Green tea, you determine this person is ready to receive a lot of questions. When you want to diminish the unwellness or you want to shed excess body fats and control your appetite you suppose to drink this Best Green Tea. You can discover this green tea on the internet and the store or you ask vendor to send you this product by recommendation..

Thus, I discover this green tea in several grocery store. That means about five years ago, I drunkl this Best Green Tea. Because, the individuals are saying that this green tea is a best weight loss tea. With the Green Tea you can get rid of all the problems that you can find out as illnesses. Then, it is really important to prescribe a Best Green Tea. This product is real efficient and powerful and you can discover it on the internet and several grocery store..

If you have intended to taste or to drink a Best Green Tea,you must know what kind of work this green tea could better facilitate you to to do. Attempt to purchase this by big bags because I do not want you miss this product. Do you Know why the people are saying that this product is a weight loss tea, because the green tea has effectiveness you can discover this product in several grocery store and on the Internet........

There is one box that numerous individuals know it on the name of Nottingham, let me tell you one thing this green tea could come on form the leaves, powder or Gunpowder, many individuals find out it as darkers and dirtier with more bits......

But don't let this put you off as it tastes fantastic. In large doses it takes on a smoky taste which leads me to believe it may well be lightly smoked green tea.

numerous individuals called this Best Green Tea a Healthiest green tea. Do you know why? Because this green tea comes from to the tea plant. Every year this green tea crop varies..

Usually, the Japan or the China recognize as The best countries that you can better discover this Best Green Tea. This product has a best greatest Therefore, that is really important to buy this product if you are suffering from overweight. This Green Tea could better help you to reduce the cholesterol LDL and find The colesterol HDL.....

If you want to determine this Best Green Tea in a best season you suppose to wait for the spring, because in the month of March/April the sun is not Hence hot. Indeed, it is the season that you discover you can better find out this Best Green tea....This product has his proper season to find it in big amount......

In Conclusion, we know that this Best Green Tea is from to camellia sinensis plant.Thusly, if you get best weight loss green tea you suppose to accept to utilize the leaves of green tea. You can find out the effectiveness in this green tea. Do not worry for its price the leaves of green tea are very efficient and powerful too when you put numerous hot water on some leaves green tea after a few minutes you can drink this green tea with numerous sugar......

Additional Resources:

Best Green Tea Info
Green Tea Fat Burner Best Reviews
Buy Green Tea

About the Author

Need to know more on green tea fat burner ?. I can help you. I am very interested on these topics and also other heath related subjects.

Drinking green tea

Drinking green tea by laverne arsenault

in Health / Alternative Medicine (submitted 2008-11-19)

Japanese green tea tradition dates back many centuries and is a ceremony to bring you back to nature. Green tea from Japan not only tastes different from Chinese it is processed in a different manner. Japanese green tea is served in cups without a handle and is never drunk with sugar, milk or cream. Japanese green tea should not be brewed with boiling, but hot, water.

Chinese green teas have been used for a great many years its health benefits as well as its good taste. As noted before, antioxidants are very health beneficial. Chinese green tea is typically dried with the wok drying method, hence the slightly "roasty" undertone. Chinese green tea has been used in China for centuries, and the people in China firmly believe that Chinese green tea has significant and positive effects on their health. Studies support their devotion to this drink.

Chinese green tea leaves when boiled smelled and tasted so wonderful that Shen Nung even urged his people to drink it. The fame of the Chinese green tea did not stay at one place for long. Chinese green tea lowers cholesterol level through an increase in fecal lipid excreiton. Green-tea consumption and risk of stomach cancer: a population-based case-control study in Shanghai, China. Chinese green tea is very popular in the western world. There are many benfits and a few myths about how good chinese green tea is for losing weight and other benefits as well.

With the AriZona green tea diet you get to pamper your sweet tooth and lose weight at the same time. A person may choose to drink the AriZona green tea products merely because they enjoy it, but little do they know about the healing, repairs and care that the green tea is doing inside. Something that tastes good and delivers good to the body, that's a win, win situation! I have been drinking Arizona Green tea for 2 years everyday. While I was pregnant my doctor suggested I cut down my drinking of green tea.

With these things in mind, you should start to learn how Arizona green tea can really help you with whatever the task at hand may be. Drinking Arizona green tea is available in different taste and it is also useful in improving health. It protects body against free radicals as it has antioxidant in it containing polyphenol. If not for the next company-with-capitalization-issues on this list, AriZona green tea would be the antithesis of Trader Joe's badass green tea. The bottle itself is basically 100% bullshit, which I respect from a capitalistic perspective.

It is a perfect combination of science blended performance ingredients and the thirst quenching refreshment of the #1 AriZona Green Tea. This substance in the Arizona green tea increases the levels of neurotransmitter chemicals, which helps to enhance moods and reduces the effects of stress. In addition to these benefits, the Arizona green tea also provides great support in weight loss. Try to keep arizona green tea amount of caffeine arizona green tea amount of caffeine city japanese tea gardens san antonio texas light peace rally organized aphorisms could serve as more to mind.

It does not matter if you drink cold (such as snapple green tea or arizona green tea) or hot with green tea bags (such as egcg green tea). I have seen Arizona Green Tea time and time again, but somehow, I just never tried it before today. I actually tried both the diet and regular green tea. It is a perfect combination of science blended performance ingredients and the thirst quenching refreshment of the #1 AriZona Green Tea.

Arizona green tea contains healthy acids and protein which is useful to improve complexion. Arizona was always first choice, if there wasn't any Arizona green tea, I would SOMETIMES choose Sobe, but it was too sweet. Lipton's green tea was overpowered by whatever other flavor it contained.

The Complete Guide To Green Tea



About the Author

I have been in the health field for 30yrs i have been very interested in nautral health

Five Great Way to Use Green Tea Drops

Five Great Way to Use Green Tea Drops by Kevin Agrawal

in Health (submitted 2008-06-04)

Green tea was first cultivated in China about 5,000 years ago. Because of its history, drinking tea is usually associated with the mystical Far East! Ancient sages knew about the potent health benefits of tea and integrated drinking tea as part of their rituals and ceremonies.

Drinking Green Tea has become more popular in America because recent research is helping to confirm Green Tea’s potential positive affects on our health. Our diet and lifestyle, the convenience of processed foods, and fat-saturated take-outs have generally resulted in poor health and related diseases like heart disease and cancer. These diseases are continually on the rise each year. In such a context, Green Tea stands out as a promising health booster.

Green Tea for HealthResearch indicates the kind of diet Americans thrive on increases free radical activity in the body caused by oxidation. Oxidative stress caused by an increase in free radical activity is thought to be one of the major cause factors of diseases. Green tea antioxidants are rich in polyphenols which act on free radicals thus disarming them of their harmful activity in our bodies. Research on Green tea antioxidants and its effects on our bodies has shown positive results, and while more research is required to make conclusive statements, experts generally agree that green tea antioxidants can help in promoting good health and reduce the risk of getting certain diseases.

Green Tea is available in today's market in a variety of forms, and preferences.

  1. Dried Tea Leaves: In a tea pot put a few spoons of dried leaves at the bottom. Boil water and pour over the tea leaves. Allow it to steep for 5-15 minutes depending on how strong you like your brew. The longer you keep it steeped, the stronger the brew.
  2. Green Tea Pills. If you don't like the taste of tea, you don't need to miss out on its health benefits. Green Tea pills will give you all the benefits of naturally brewed tea leaves.
  3. Green Tea Gum: This is good for people who like to chew gum. Green tea gum provide all the antioxidants contained in tea leaves.
  4. Green Tea Drops. This is a concentrated green tea product offering a more potent amount of antioxidants and nutrients. Taking Green Tea Drops regularly will make sure you get your required dose of green tea concentrate for the day. An excellent product is Green Tea Plus. Green Tea Plus is all natural and also contains 72 trace elements essential to good nutrition.

Five Ways to Use Green Tea Drops
  • For people on the go, Green Tea Drops can be added to bottled water. Drink it as you would normal water. This is a quick and easy way to use Green Tea Drops.
  • Add Green Tea Drops to your favorite soft drink or juice. Just two drops of Green Tea extract can make your juice or soft drink tastier and help provide good health. Try it with a cold glass of lemonade!
  • Green Tea Drops can also be used to add flavor to a hot or cold cup of cocoa. Chocolate and tea make a great combination!
  • Green Tea Drops can also be used as an essence in cakes. Instead of the usual vanilla essence, try adding a few drops of Green Tea Drops!
  • Mix Green Tea Drops in your custard, or in bread pudding for unique flavor and health. Or try it in other desserts like apple pie. Mix it with the apple mixture when you’re baking apple pie.

NOTE: Green Tea Drops are very concentrated and so can taste a little strong, so be sure to dilute it before using.

For more reading on the health benefits of green tea refer to:
  • The US Department of Health and Human Services in an article dated November 20, 2007 states a new study conducted by the Purdue University suggests, “Adding citrus juices or vitamin C to green tea may raise its antioxidant goodness.
  • The National Center for Biotechnology Information, (a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health) states: “The epicatechin derivatives, commonly called polyphenols, present in green tea possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. The major and most highly chemopreventive constituent in green tea responsible for the biochemical or pharmacological effects is (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

About the Author

New Vitality is a health supplements company. It develops supplement products which are carefully formulated under the guidance of an elite panel comprised of renowned doctors, nutritionists, chemists and researchers. Whether you want a green tea supplement, pet health supplement, a personal care product or a health care product, New Vitality is a one-stop shop for all needs.

Green Tea Extract - The Health Benefits

Green Tea Extract - The Health Benefits by Kevin Agrawal

in Health (submitted 2008-06-04)

Tea is made from the dried leaves of a shrub called Camellia sinensis. Historically, India, China, Japan, and Thailand have been drinking its brew for thousands of years. Because ancient sages realized the health benefits of green tea, it became part of their rituals and ceremonies. Tea drinking is inculcated in the culture of most Asian countries. India and China were the first cultivators of tea and still are today, the largest producers of tea.

Chemical Composition of Green Tea
Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols, the most important of which are flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate, and proanthocyanidins). Out of these flavonoids, Epigallocatechin gallate is the most significant active compound.
Dried green tea leaves generally contain from 8-12% total polyphenols, caffeine (3.5%), theanine (~4%), lignin (6.5%), organic acids (1.5%), protein (15%), and chlorophyll (0.5%). Green tea contains B-vitamins and ascorbic acid, which are destroyed in the process of making black tea. The essential oil contains more than 300 components including aldehydes, phenylethyl alcohols, phenols, hexenal, linalool, dihydroactinidiolide and p-vinylphenol.

Traditional Uses
Traditionally, Chinese and Indian medicine used green tea as a stimulant, diuretic (to promote the excretion of urine), astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Other traditional uses of green tea include treating flatulence (gas), regulating body temperature and blood sugar, promoting digestion, and improving mental processes.

Health Benefits of Green Tea
Extensive medical research on the benefits of Green Tea is showing positive results. Studies indicate:

  1. Green Tea can help to protect against a range of cancers.
    According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, polyphenols containing catechins present in green tea may play an important role in the prevention of cancer. Emerging studies also suggest that polyphenols inactivate oxidants, reduce the number and size of tumors, and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. (New Scientist, 20 March 2004). Studies in particular have been conducted on cancers of the bladder, breast, ovaries, esophagus, lungs, pancreas, prostate, skin, and stomach.
  2. Green Tea can help to prevent Atherosclerosis.
    Antioxidants in green tea are believed to prevent fatty buildup in the arteries by suppressing the oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol. They may also reduce the likelihood of blood clot formation and help in relaxing blood vessels thereby improving blood flow.
  3. Green Tea can help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
    Research indicates that green tea lowers total cholesterol and raises HDL ("good") cholesterol in both animals and people. Polyphenols in green tea help block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and promote its excretion from the body.
  4. Green Tea can help to control Diabetes.
    Green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar in the body. Studies indicate Green tea may help regulate glucose in the body.
  5. Green Tea can help to protect against Liver disease.
    Green tea seems to protect the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol.
  6. Weight loss.
    Studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat. Some researchers speculate polyphenols, specifically catechins, are responsible for the herb's fat-burning effect.
  7. Relaxation.
    Due to the presence of the amino acid, L-theanine, drinking a hot cup of green tea helps produce a relaxed feeling, increasing alertness of mind.
  8. Green tea can help to boost the immune system.
    The Brigham and Women's Hospital research suggests that theanine present in green tea boosts the disease fighting capacity of Gamma Delta T cells and helps the body to fight infections.
  9. Green tea helps to make the digestive and respiratory system strong because it is rich in bioflavonoids.
  10. Green tea is anti-bacterial and helps prevent dental cavities.

Two to three cups of green tea per day (for a total of 240 to 320 mg polyphenols) is recommended. It is best to get green tea concentrate from its natural form, green tea itself. But if you don't like the flavor, or don't have the time, and would like to make sure your body is benefiting from green tea antioxidants you may want to try Green Tea Extracts or Green Tea Drops. Green Tea Plus is a heavily concentrated form of green tea. It has an antioxidant value of 7800 units. Green Tea Plus has added trace minerals to aid in regular body functions. It can be added to any beverage, even water.

About the Author

New Vitality is a health supplements company. It develops supplement products which are carefully formulated under the guidance of an elite panel comprised of renowned doctors, nutritionists, chemists and researchers. Whether you want a green tea drops, pet health supplement, a personal care product or a health care product, New Vitality is a one-stop shop for all needs.